The School of Engineering brings together a diverse and welcoming community who are motivated to seek “wicked problems”. We connect divergent thinkers, to explore and pose solutions that cross the traditional interdisciplinary and global boundaries. We have evolved from our foundational strength in systems thinking, reaching beyond traditional engineering fields.
This systems approach embraces our core strengths and has been reshaped around the focus areas listed below. Our research groups are often interdisciplinary and span these focus areas.
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100% Renewable Energy
The world needs to reach zero greenhouse gas emissions well before 2050 to mitigate the most serious effects of climate change. Fossil fuels cause 80% of emissions. Renewable energy from solar and...
Access to space and uncrewed aerial systems are rapidly decreasing in cost, driving new opportunities. We pursue topics in space systems engineering, advanced propulsion systems, and control of aerospace structures and vehicles....
Audio & Acoustic Signal Processing
Acoustics and audio play vital roles in our lives. Our research focuses on spatial audio and acoustics for real-world applications in telecommunications, telepresence, entertainment, hearing aids, assisted hearing, noise cancellation over large...
Battery Storage & Grid Integration
Established in 2018, the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program undertakes socio-techno-economic research, development, and demonstration activities that support the global energy transition and help achieve economy-wide decarbonisation. Work within the program...
CIICADA (Control, Information, Intelligence, Communications, Automation, Decision, and Autonomy) Lab is an inter-cluster research lab committed to advancing research and education in control, information, decision, and autonomy sciences. Of particular interest are...
Electrochemical Systems
The Electrochemical Systems Research Group (ESRG), led by Associate Professor Siva Karuturi, investigates innovative electrolysis materials, reactor designs and systems to cover a wide range of applications linked to energy and industry...
There is now overwhelming agreement that the world needs to rapidly move to a target of net zero emissions before 2050 to mitigate the most serious effects of climate change. Our research...
Managing our natural and urban environments in the face of growing population pressures and climate change –including increasingly severe droughts, storms, and bushfires –is one of the great challenges of our time....
Information & Signal Processing
Information and signal processing underpins many of the emerging and promising solutions to the challenges faced by our ever-changing digitised world. We undertake fundamental research inspired by future applications spanning social media,...
Industry 4.0+ will rely heavily on advanced, flexible, and configurable manufacturing. Environmental monitoring will require autonomous mobile air, land, and sea systems. We are building on ANU historical expertise in computer vision,...
Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems
National Community of Practice for UAS and AAM Research
The School of Engineering’s Aerospace Cluster has established a national community of practice for uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) and advanced air mobility (AAM) research.
Perovskite Solar Cells & Modules
Perovskite photovoltaics is an exciting new technology that promises to be a game-changer for the solar industry. Perovskite based solar cells are simple to produce, yet demonstrate high conversion efficiency as well...
PV Laser Lab
We conduct state-of-the-art research in the field of laser processing for photovoltaics.
Renewable Fuels
The Renewable Fuels research group develops technologies for zero-carbon hydrogen generation and carbon dioxide reduction. Hydrogen has the potential to provide the missing link between renewable energy - such as wind and...
Silicon Solar Cells & Modules
We explore new processes and solar cell technologies from basic research to industrial applications, device and module characterization & simulation, and materials research.
Thermal Energy
The Thermal Energy group is focused on industrial decarbonisation, thermal energy storage and solar-thermal energy collection. Industrial decarbonisation is supported via involvement in the Heavy Industry Low-Carbon Transition CRC (HILTCRC) with a...
CONSORT: Consumer Energy Systems Providing Cost-Effective Grid Support
Deploying batteries in the field to support homes and businesses without costly grid upgrades.