Xiangyun (Sean) Zhou

Associate Professor

Picture of Xiangyun (Sean) Zhou

Engineering Building (32), E201


Information & Signal Processing


Google Scholar



Physical layer security; wireless network security; ultra-reliable and low latency communications; machine-to-machine communications; wireless powered communications; and backscatter communications.


Dr Zhou is looking for self-motivated students with a strong mathematical background and good communication skills in English who would like to pursue a PhD degree in wireless communications, networking and security. For more information, please see Dr Zhou’s website. His primary research interests are in the fields of communication theory and wireless networks.


Dr Zhou grew up in the city of Chengdu, China. He moved to Australia in 2004 and studied at ANU, where he obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree with first class honours in 2007 and a PhD degree in 2010. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at UNIK – University Graduate Centre, University of Oslo in Norway from 2010 to 2011. He returned to ANU in 2011 and is currently working as an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering. He was named the Best Young Researcher of the Asia-Pacific Region in 2017 by IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Board. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Activities & Awards

Dr Zhou currently serves as an Area Editor for IEEE Communications Letters. He has also served as an Editor for various IEEE journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He was a Guest Editor of the 2015 special issue on Wireless Physical Layer Security in IEEE Communications Magazine and the 2014 special issue on Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He has served as an organizer and chair of various reputable international workshops including ICC’14-16 and Globecom’16-18 workshops on the topics of physical layer security and energy harvesting communications. He also served as a symposium/track chair for major IEEE conferences (e.g., ICC’20, PIMRC’21, ICC’22). He was the Chair of the ACT Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society and Signal Processing Society in 2013 and 2014. He was a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the IEEE ICC’11 and IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award in 2016.

Dr Zhou received the College’s Remote Teaching and Student Experience Commendation in 2021 for “outstanding organisation of course material, flipped learning and excellent remote delivery”.

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