Bjorn Sturmberg

Research Leader and Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program

Picture of Bjorn Sturmberg

CSIT Building (108), Level 3






Grid integration, electric vehicles; frequency control; renewable energy; energy storage, energy policy; energy equity, modelling; open source software, power hardware in the loop.


Dr Sturmberg’s research in the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program focuses on grid integration of distributed energy resources and electric vehicles, advanced sensors, power system security, energy analytics, policy and regulations, and social acceptance of new energy technology.


Dr Sturmberg is a Research Leader in the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program. He holds a PhD from The University of Sydney for his research on nanostructured solar cells, which earnt him a scholarship from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. He is a former Myer Innovation Fellow and founder of SunTenants, a social enterprise that makes solar work for rental properties, and spearheaded the Stucco Solar + Storage project that transformed an apartment building into a solar and storage powered microgrid.

He is a regular contributor to energy policy discussions in the public press and industry consultations, and is a passionate open-source advocate who has developed multiple software packages that are used internationally.

Activities & Awards

  • CUDOS Outreach Award Issued by CUDOS, The School of Physics, The University of Sydney 2014 & 2012
  • SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship 2014

For more information on Dr Sturmberg’s work, please see his website.

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