Jeremy Smith

Associate Professor and Associate Dean - Education

Picture of Jeremy Smith

Birch Building (35), Level 2



ANU Research Profile



Humanitarian engineering, engineering education, systems engineering


Humanitarian engineering, appropriate technology, technology development and implementation


I have been at the ANU in roles across research, education and commercialisation since 1998. This has included industry-focused research and collaborations across the automotive and aerospace sectors in Australia, Europe and the USA. In 2009-10, I worked part-time for Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB-A) to support the development of their research program and university engagement. Since then I have been involved in the growth of Humanitarian Engineering in Australia, leading the development of new initiatives, collaborations and education programs at the ANU and nationally. This has included engagement across the community development sectors in countries including Australia, PNG, Cambodia and Timor-Leste. I have been responsible for delivering, coordinating and developing courses in engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate coursework level since 2007 across Humanitarian and Systems Engineering.

Activities & Awards

2017 Award for Teaching Excellence from the Australian Awards for University Teaching

2016 National OLT Citation for contributions to student learning

2015 ANU VC’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning

  • Chair of the Systems Engineering Core Discipline Committee;
  • ANU NAE Grand Challenge Scholar Program Director;
  • Convenor Humanitarian Engineering Program;
  • Member ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS);
  • Secretary of Engineers Australia Humanitarian Engineering Community of Practice

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