Patrick Green

Bandalang Fellow

Picture of Patrick Green

Birch Building

Patrick Green is a Pintupi and Ngaanyatjarra camelier, boiler maker and artist. He lives with his family in Kintore, NT, which is one of Australia’s most remote communities.

Through his transdisciplinary practice Patrick addresses notions of land rights, colonisation, dreaming and connection to Country. His work provides a platform of discussion about how Indigenous Engineering is a transdisciplinary systems thinking approach towards solving problems.

As a camelier, Patrick uses traditional knowledge of his Country to catch and hold feral camels, before removing them and selling them.

“The best thing about running my own business is that I can provide culturally appropriate employment for my community. If any of my employees need to go off for a cultural responsibility like a funeral or ceremony, they can and they’ll have a job here when they get back.”

You can read more about Patrick’s residency at Bandalang Studio here.

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