Dan Ganter

Bandalang Fellow

Picture of Dan Ganter

Birch Building

Dan Ganter is a Gungarri Native Seed expert from Maronoa district in South-West Queensland. The director of South Coast Native Seeds, Dan has spent the past 20 years collecting seeds native to NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

Dan and his partner Karmen Hughes are amongst a handful of full-time wholesale suppliers to the Australian Native Seed Industry. South Coast Native Seeds specialise in native grass seed for mining rehabilitation, caring for Country, revegetation and regeneration projects.

Dan and Karmen are committed to ensuring the Native Seeds industry is accessible to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They hope to share new economic opportunities with First Nations people as well as share cultural knowledge about native seeds and their role in sustaining complex and ancient ecosystems on Country.

South Coast Native Seeds collaborate with Indigenous Rangers at the NSW Local Land Services and are partners with the Engineers without Borders Australia.

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